Seven Words About Me is a simple but powerful tool that provides insight into your personal brand, as well as your leadership qualities and traits. It’s simple. Submit contacts and receive anonymous feedback to gather the words that define you — according to others. Most importantly, Seven Words About Me helps you Get-Real and become more self aware about your leadership style and skills.

Harry S. Campbell, creator or Seven Words, is a senior executive with a strong record of success over three decades. He has been a president for two Fortune 500 companies, co-owner of an award-winning small business, CEO/board member of an Internet start-up and founding member of the industry-changing Wal-Mart/P&G Customer Team in Northwest Arkansas. Harry is known as an identifier, developer and motivator of exceptional talent at all levels of the organization.

Get-Real Leadership
Buy on AmazonTo lead well, do you have to sacrifice success for relationships? Or relationships for success? Fortune 500 executive Harry Campbell says “No!” He’ll show you how to generate wildly successful business results by creating trust, respect and caring in your team. And, he’ll show you how to do this by being absolutely true to who you are and to all that matters most to you.
Get-Real Culture
Buy on AmazonA world-class business should focus first on its customers. Right? Harry S. Campbell says, “No, start with your team!” Harry firmly believes that creating a winning culture is the #1 priority for companies from start-ups to Fortune 500s. Discover his approach to building a wildly successful workplace that ALWAYS starts with your people—to the ultimate benefit of your customers and shareholders.